Keeping momentum

It’s being increasingly hard to keep up with my daily creative output habit. When I started this I was on vacation and had 6-12 extra hours per day to do anything I wanted; I could do all those activities in a much more relaxed rhythm and concentrate more on doing and less on being efficient at it.

Now, when I finish work I’m usually drained and don’t want to do much else… at least until I start doing it.

Inertia is a powerful thing. I can procrastinate all day long on opening LMMS and starting to play around, but when I actually do it, it’s very easy to lose track of time and enter a state of flow.

Around 6 years ago I took on the habit of journaling (which is a fantastic tool to refine thinking, and very useful to revisit when evaluating life decisions, but I can talk about that in some other post); I tried many different things to make it work until I reached the final solution: every night before going to bed, I’d put my personal laptop on the kitchen table, with wi-fi turned off and everything closed except Emacs (which I used to write at the time). When I woke up, the first thing I’d do is open the lid and start writing.

That worked really well, so I’m going to test the same strategy for my current / soon-to-be habits. Every day I’ll put my personal laptop on the kitchen table with wi-fi turned off and the required apps already open and set up on new documents / projects. I’ll see how that goes and post the results here in a few weeks!

“You want your sense of self muted so you can be in the present at all times – not dwelling in the past or the future, wishing for things as you think they should be/were; but experiencing the present as it is.”

Naval Ravikant

Creative output

Recently I started making a conscious effort to create something new every day. Every day, I:

I started these on different days and I’m not keeping track of it in any way (to-do lists, calendar streaks, etc), since I don’t want to add any unnecessary pressure; I want this to be fun and interesting, not a chore.

It has been an amazing experience: I’m proud of myself for creating more content, I’m getting some feedback, I’m building a foundation with this content, and I’m practicing letting go of perfectionism and just hitting publish.

Everything I’ve been putting out there is unpolished at best and just plain awful in some cases, but I don’t care: the important thing for me is training myself on letting go of perfectionism and publishing anyway.

I have a tattoo now!

I have considered for a long time having a tattoo in one of my arms with a reminder: I wanted something that would bring me back to the present. I spend a lot of time thinking about the past, worrying about the future, or just daydreaming… and the more I learn about life, the more certain I am that being present is key.

With that in mind, today I went to the Black Ink Tattoo studio and got this:

I’m really happy with the result. Let’s see if it helps!

Podcasts I follow

Some friends asked me for podcast recommendations, so this is a quick list of what I currently have on Overcast. Probably half of it is in Brazilian Portuguese.


Entrepreneurship / Freelancing / Work


Random quotes

I created a small web app to show a random quote from a list I recorded over the years from books, talks, tweets, posts, podcasts, and more. I have been using it as my browsers’ default page, and it has been helpful in changing my mood and making me take a step back to focus.

You can check it out here. Hope you enjoy it!